Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB @
Should Be Reading. To participate, all you have to do is the following:
- Grab your current/upcoming read
Open to a random page
- Share 2-3 "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
- Be careful not to include spoilers! (You do not want to ruin the book for others.)
- Share the title & author so that others who enjoy your "teaser" may add the book to their TBL pile.
"There are three women in this house on a constant basis. Surely we can come up with a bra," Sam muttered.
"Uh well Rusty and Rachel are smaller, " Donovan said, hedging. "Not that Sophie is like big or anything, but she's bustier."
"Christ. That leaves mom," Sam said.
Garrett started backing away, hands out. "Oh no. Hell no. I'm not asking Ma for one of her bras. That's just...wrong."
"Your woman. You do it."
Sam cleared his throat. "Rock, paper, scissors?"
"Fuck that," Donovan snorted.
page 115;
No Place to Run
by Maya Banks
Hilarious! What a great teaser. Thanks for sharing! Mine is here: http://booklovingmommy.blogspot.com/2010/12/teaser-tuesday-121410.html
No Place to Run was already on my TBR list, but this made me laugh- I can't wait to read it.
I just love this cover, got this book yesterday and can't wait to read it!
Oh I love a good looking chest LOL
Definitely going to the TBR box :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog
My favorite teaser today. I hope that you are enjoying your book. Wanna see what my Teaser for Tuesday is?
Here is my teaser from Out of Touch by Brandon Tietz (Page vii):
I used to be the kind of guy that would have no problem reading Playboy or Hustler on an airplane, but that me in "the before," and nearly everything has changed since that time in my life a little over a year ago.
This is not a coming of age story.
If that's what you're wanting then I suggest you put this down and read something else: something with a happy ending. Like Penthouse.
Or: the funny pages.
This is me giving you your official warning.
Because where this goes, you might not be ready for.
That is hilarious! XD Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a great week! XD
YEAY! Teaser Tuesday!!!!!!! Here is mine! It is the day when my to-read list just can't stop growing!!!
Emma Michaels
LOL That is a funny teaser, just my kind of sense of humor too.
My Tuesday Teaser
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