I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Jennie from Life is Short. Read Fast. for this year's Armchair BEA. So she's going to be stopping by today to share her "booknerdness" with us all! Please join me in making her feel welcome by leaving greetings and comments :)
When you're not reading or blogging, what would we find you doing?
Chasing my 2-year old daughter around is probably the most likely thing you would find me doing. She is full of energy and constantly in motion, so we attempt to keep up but usually find ourselves sinking into the couch after she goes to bed without an ounce of energy left! I am a slight neat freak so you might see me organizing and putting things back into just the right place. I have a slight (as in huge) addiction to Excel spreadsheets. I am most often teased for my use of them in all aspects of my life - our budget, my hospital bag when I was pregnant, my dream house wish-list, our Maui trip coming this November. Basically if there is ever a need for me to put my thoughts down - it's in an Excel spreadsheet.
If you were stuck on a deserted island, which three (3) books would you take along with you?
3 books? SERIOUSLY????? How can I narrow it down...I might be having an anxiety attack just thinking about this. Probably HP and the Deathly Hallows
All time favorite author? Automatic buy?
Lurlene McDaniel - they are the most gut-wrenching books about life and death for young teens but they were amazing and made a deep impact on me in middle school. Automatic buy - WAY too many right now! :) I would have to say Sarah Dessen, David McCullough, Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins.
If you could date a hero from any novel, who would it be? Why?
If I pick John Adams would I be labeled creepy? Never-mind, I couldn't break up an amazing marriage like that of John and Abigail. I would have to go with either Étienne St. Claire from Anna and the French Kiss, Sam Roth from The Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy or Adam Marsh from If I Stay. St. Claire because he is just ~sigh, dreamy~ and Sam because it is a hot mess and Adam because he is a bigger hot mess. Oh and both Sam and Adam because of that guitar! I am a sucker for the guitar!
What's a day in the life of Jennie like?
Very little sleep! Or it at least never seems like enough! Wake up between 5:30-6 (depending on if my husband works - he is a Firefighter/Paramedic so he works 24 hours shifts every third day) - get ready for the day, get Sammie up and head out. Drop her off at school (daycare), be at work by 7:30. Work, work, work until lunch time - aka READING HOUR! Work the last half of my day and leave at 4:30! Either head to school to pick Sammie up or head home. Then depending on if Brett is home - eat leftovers (see #7 below) or sit down for a home cooked meal. Play time until Sammie goes to bed at 7. Fall on couch - try to keep eyes open to blog, read, watch some TV or you know, talk to my husband about life (aka - try to figure out what in the world we actually talked about before Sam) and crash into bed around 10. Rinse. Repeat. (I swear - it sounds boring but it is really a blast!)
Do your closest girlfriends share your passion for reading?
My mom loves to read, so does my dad - they have a closet full of books to read that rivals my TBR shelf! I am always handing my mom books to read when I finish but she works full time and is in school working on her Bachelor's degree so her reading time is in between semesters. My BFF is a reader, but never can narrow down which books she might like so I have been her library as of late - works for me! I love hearing her reaction at a book she never thought she would like (Hunger Games!).
Does your husband ever let you do the grilling?
Ummmmm - NO! It's not so much that he doesn't let me as he fears for my safety. As in - I was cutting up an apple a few weeks ago for Sammie's afternoon snack - and ceremoniously tried to cut off my thumb and nail. It is much safer for him to handle the cooking/grilling.
Thank you so munch Jennie for taking the time to participate in this interview. Now that you all know a bit more about Jennie, please hop over to her blog and check it out!
What fun questions and answers! You sure do sound busy. :)
Very fun interview! As the mother of two little ones, I can identify with Jennie's day in the life. :)
Great interview its awesome to meet fellow book bloggers :)
Lol, no one would ever let me near a grill either. Not sure why they'd be scared of it though, since I've never even tried it, lol. Oh well!
My interview and shout out can be found here!
Rebecca @ kindle fever
Thanks again for having me over here! :) I swear, reading this now I sound so spastic! :) I swear, I am not always this hopped up on caffeine...or, well maybe I am. :)
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