Gwendolyn Heasley
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publish Date: June 5, 2012
Trade Paperback {p.314}
Source: Publisher
Genre: Young Adult
Kitsy Kidd
Challenge: 100+
Buy the Book: Amazon

For too long, Kitsy has had to satisfy her dreams of becoming a real artist by giving her friends makeovers before prom. So when her best friend Corrinne's family offers to sponsor her for a summer art course in New York City, Kitsy bids a temporary good-bye to Texas to say hello to the West Village.Kitsy is a cute, likable character with a big heart and even bigger dreams. She leaves her small-town Texas home to live in New York at her BFF's house while she's away at summer camp. I didn't really get the friendship between these two. It seemed that all Corrinne did was make snide remakes and digs at Kitsy's hometown.
Between navigating the subway and the New Yorkers--namely, the Art Boy who has a nice trick of getting under her skin--Kitsy knows that this summer is going to be about a "lot" more than figure drawing.
As for Kitsy's boyfriend Hands, he was okay from what little I knew of him. He and Kitsy didn't seem to have this grand love affair but more of an elementary type of love. Not that that's a bad thing, they were just more buddies than anything else.
"Art Boy" or Tad, never really took off for me either. He too was an okay character, but more of a big brother type to Kisty.
I just kept seeing Kitsy as the adorable side-kick, but not the leading lady.
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