Sunday, April 10, 2011

In My Mailbox {45}

In My Mailbox (IMM) is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren. Every week I'll post what books I've received either by mailbox/library/store.

I'll try to post an entry of IMM every Sunday that I receive books by mail of that week.

Books via Reader Service
Cowboy, Take Me Away by Kathleen Eagle
Hannah's List by Debbie Macomber
Moonlight Cove by Sherryl Woods
Ragged Rainbows by Linda Lael Miller

Books via Paperback Swap
Paradise Rules by Beth Kery

Books via Early Reviews
Seduce Me in Dreams by Jacquelyn Frank


1 Mystica said...[Reply]

The Debbie Macomber is the one I'd like to read myself.

2 Aisle B said...[Reply]

Love my romance! Awesome mailbox and can't wait to hear what you think of Linda Lael Miller's latest. I loved her vampire series, still makes me sigh in memory...

3 LunaMoth said...[Reply]

Lots of romance! hope you enjoy them all

4 Julie said...[Reply]

Very nice mailbox! I won Hannah's list last year, and haven't gotten to it yet, but I have it as one of my challenge books, so soon! Enjoy them all!

5 Laurel-Rain Snow said...[Reply]

I want to read the Macomber book...I'm long overdue for her cozy reads....


6 Kaye said...[Reply]

Ooh, Moonlight Cove looks good. Have a great week and enjoy all your new reads.

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Hope you enjoy your books! Here's my mailbox:

8 Beth(bookaholicmom) said...[Reply]

Debbie Macomber makes me smile! I have yet to read that book but have it here in the stacks of books. Enjoy your books.

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I love Debbie Macomber's books. The others look really "tasty"! LOL

10 Wendi said...[Reply]

Some wonderful books!! :)

Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I hope you enjoy your new reads.

Stop and see mine and my giveaways.

12 Bunnita said...[Reply]

Enjoy your books.I have some Debbie Macomber books but I have yet to read any of them. So much to read so little time :-) Here's my Mailbox Monday post
Worth Reading It?

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