Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon

Number of books read since you started:
  1. Through the Montana Mist by Carol Lynne
  2. Hidden Hands by Shayla Kersten
I've been taking a couple of breaks to watch a little a lot of tv. :) But I'm soo trying.


Jamie said...[Reply]

You got this!!! :) You are doing awesome!! I literally had to hide the remote for the tv so I wouldn't be tempted to watch Hoarders or Intervention or any other show that I end up watching!

Anyways, I’m Jamie–one of your cheerleaders ready to cheer you on! Sometimes when I was in college and I would be doing marathon paper writing (not that the readthon isn’t fun!!) I would need just a quick stretch and a laugh and for whatever reason laughing babies always did the trick to make me giggle and then get back done to business! Here’s one of my favorites:

Jamie at The Perpetual Page-Turner

Laura Kozy Lanik said...[Reply]

Tasha, Hide the remote, you will be so glad you did. Here is my cheer for you. Ready, OK. Go Tasha, Go Tasha, Be Reading, Keep Reading, Yeah Book Lovers! Shaking my pom-poms.

Valerie said...[Reply]

Good luck with the rest of the readathon! You can do it :-)!

Cass said...[Reply]

Don't let the late hour
Make you dour:
Just get up and stretch,
You'll feel the best!

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