Monday, January 30, 2012

Review: Deliver Me From Darkness by Tes Hilaire

Deliver Me From Darkness
Tes Hilaire
Series: Paladin Warriors #1
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Publish Date: February 7, 2012
Mass Market Paperback {p.323}
Source: Publisher
Genre: Paranormal
Karissa, Roland
Challenge: 100+
Buy the Book: Amazon


He had once been a warrior of the Light, one of the revered Paladin. A protector. But now he lives in darkness, and the shadows are his sanctuary. Every day is a struggle to overcome the bloodlust. Especially the day Karissa shows up at his doorstep.


She is light and bright and everything beautiful—despite her scratches and torn clothes. Every creature of the night is after her. So is every male Paladin. Because Karissa is the last female of their kind. But she is his. He may not have a soul, but he can't deny his heart.
Roland has been left with the duty of watching over an uninvited house guest that he has an immediate attraction to. Roland and Karissa get off to a rocky start due to her distrust of him because he's a vampire.

This novel included a lot of interesting paranormal creatures that I hadn't encountered before in other paranormal novels before. Both Karissa and Roland were interesting enough, but I failed to connect with them. Their love connection just wasn't all that engrossing to me. I did however take a liking to one of the secondary characters, Logan. I would be intrigued to see what happens with him.

I did feel a little muddled down in the details. But since this is the first book in the series, I guess that's to be expected. Deliver Me From Darkness is favorable start this new series.
Book Obsessed


France said...[Reply]

I liked Tess Hilaire's world of Paladin Warriors -who are former angels that choose to become protectors of mankind and their descendants - plus vampires, demons, and a fallen Paladin who are evil, and various crossbreeds of all of the above who may or may not be evil. Since the hero Roland who is a Paladin that was turned vamp and is dead as far as the rest of his former brethren know, he's outside of the main brotherhood so there's not much male bonding or insight into the relationships and regular workings of the Paladin brotherhood yet. And actually the few views of the Paladins en masse is not wholly favorable as the heroine Karissa is a hot commodity - since she's a rare female of the bloodline - and all the Paladins want to claim her for their own.

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