Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday Three {3}: Don't Mess With Texas

What is Thursday 3? It's a new weekly meme, hosted by me, in which we will be discussing our love/hate relationship with our current read.

Here is how Thursday 3 works:
  • Take your current read, or book you previously finished, and tell me the following 3 things about it.
  1. Character from the book you LOVE (This can be a character you want as your BFF or someone you want to take home to meet the parents)
  2. Character from the book you HATE (This character does not have to be the villian, just someone you disliked)
  3. Your overall LOVE/HATE of the book. (If you haven't decided your feelings for the book yet, or if you prefer, just provide a snippet from the book containing either the word "LOVE" or "HATE")
Anyone can participate!! Just link your posts in the linky! In your post, please provide a link back to my blog so that other people can find the information and participate.

Loved: Tony ~ I felt so bad about the characters in the book didn't seem to like him, but I loved him. I was rooting for him thoughout the book.

Hated: Serena ~ She was a total pain. The way she treated Dallas, but still thought they should get back together...

Overall: Another hit! A new series to look forward to visiting again.
Don't Mess With Texas by Christie Craig

Book Obsessed


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