Author: Samantha Kane
Series: Brothers in Arms, #2
Published: November 8, 2006
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Source: Personal Library
Format: Kindle
Genre: Erotica, Historical, LGBT
Characters: Maggie Trueheart, Phillip Neville, Jonathan Overton
My Rating:

Heat Level: 5/5
Phillip Neville and Jonathan Overton have been best friends since childhood. When they return to England as veterans of the Napoleonic Wars, they enter the marriage market. It doesn't take long for them both to fall deeply in love with shy, awkward, beautiful Maggie Trueheart. Phillip and Maggie marry, but Phillip and Jonathan do not tell her about the menage a trois marriage the two men hope to have. When Maggie finds out, it takes the persuasive power of both men to convince her that this threesome was meant to be.
In the process of helping Maggie discover the sexually aggressive woman inside herself, Phillip and Jonathan realize their love for one another is more than friendship. Before the two men can consummate their relationship, however, a brutal attack on Maggie and Jonathan's self-recriminations drive the lovers apart. It will take all the love and determination the three possess to achieve their happily ever after.
"I've gone about it all wrong," Phillip Neville said in frustration as he ran his hand roughly through his burnished blond hair.
Phillip and Maggie have been living as husband and wife for a few short months before Jonathan arrives to live with them. Before Maggie and Phillip wed, she was unsure of which of the two men were courting her. Unbeknownst to Maggie, they both were.
What I really enjoyed about this book was the fact that Maggie was hesitant to become involved in a menage relationship. She needs time to really think about it and the repercussions that the relationship could cause. In other menage stories, you don't tend to find that. Everyone involved tends to fall into a menage relationship as if it's a normal everyday occurrence.
The sex between these three was extremely hot. Although Phillip and Jonathan did not start out being intimate with each other, you could tell that they wanted to be. The author did a really great job expressing their sexual tension. The flow of the story was good, but it just didn't seem to hold my focus.
Enjoyed your review, Tasha. Thanks for posting!
I've read the first book in this series, which was very hot too and also was about a menage. At that time that one did work for me. This one sounds different though. Great review!
I read the first three books in this series and they are what led me to the world of M/M. I fell in love with the men. Their feelings, emotions and the sex was scorching hot. I had been rading het romance for years and menage stories were new to me. After these and a few others I quickly moved to just M/M.
Great review! :)
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