Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mailbox Monday {4} / In My Mailbox {133}


Books via Amazon
On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street, #1)The Marriage Mistake (Marriage to a Billionare, #3)The Marriage Trap (Marriage to a Billionaire, #2)
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
The Marriage Mistake by Jennifer Probst
The Marriage Trap by Jennifer Probst
Books via Half Price Books
Faking It (Losing It, #2)
Faking It by Cora Carmack
Books via Publisher
 The Marriage Merger (Marriage to a Billionaire, #4)
The Marriage Merger by Jennifer Probst


Shoshanah said...[Reply]

I'd love to read Faking It! And thanks for hosting for July!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...[Reply]

Those marriage books look intriguing....

bermudaonion said...[Reply]

I hope you enjoy your new books!

Book of Secrets said...[Reply]

A steamy mailbox for you this week. ;-)

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...[Reply]

Hi Tash,

I quite like the sound of 'On Dublin Street', great cover, believable storyline and the first book in the series, destined for my reading list!

Thanks for sharing, enjoy them all and a great job of hosting Mailbox Monday in July!


Mary (Bookfan) said...[Reply]

I've heard good things about the Carmack books. Thanks for hosting this month!

The Reading Date said...[Reply]

I love the On Dublin Street series (and Faking It) - hope you do too! The Marriage series is one I need to catch up on. Enjoy all your new books & thanks for being an awesome MM host.

Unknown said...[Reply]

I've wondered about On Dublin Street. I hope you enjoy all of your books. Thanks for hosting MM.

Elizabeth said...[Reply]

Enjoy your new books and your week.

Silver's Reviews
My Mailbox Monday

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Thank you for hosting this July! You've been a perfect host. Enjoy your reads :)

Anna said...[Reply]

Looks like you have some steamy reads ahead of you. Enjoy...and thanks for hosting!

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